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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Richmond

#4: Friday - Easter, Season, & Weather

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

EASTER WEEK - So it's Good Friday. And with that in mind, we are going to focus primarily on all things Easter related!

Toddler -

Lesson: Shapes

Theme: Easter

Gross Motor (coordination, big movements)

  • Bunny Bowling (photo coming soon)

  • Blueberry Muffins

Arts & Crafts

  • Bunny Hats - We traced their hands to make the center of the bunny ears. Then let them color the band that wraps around their head before gluing it all together.

  • Painting Eggs - One muffin pan + Shaving cream + Food coloring + Eggs. This makes for some lovely marble colored eggs. NOTE: This works best with white eggs. Which we did not have.

Music & Reading (to help give the mind a study break)

  • Bunny book

PreK -

Lesson: Seasons & Weather

Theme: Easter

Words of the Week = Evaporation / Precipitation

Fine & Gross Motor

  • The Dogwood Story - We picked a dogwood flower off the tree in our back yard, then I told her the story of how a dogwood flower represents Jesus dying on the cross. It's shape, the pure white color, the nails in the cross, and the crown like center.

  • Blueberry Muffins

Science/Experiments & Math

  • Peeps experiment - Let's see what our friendly little sugary Peeps do when we put them in different types of liquid. We took three Peeps, three small bowls, and placed one in each. From here, you add just enough liquid till they begin to float (we used, water, soda, and white vinegar). Leave them soaking for two days. Discuss with your kiddos what they think the outcome will be. Once you return to the Peeps in to days, try mushing them with a fork and see what happens. If it's easier, you can remove them from the liquid and place them all on a plate prior to mushing them.

  • Make a Cloud - Take a glass jar, add about 1/3 cup hot water to it, twirl it around in the jar for a moment to warm up the glass, place the lid to the jar upside down on the top, then put ice cubes on the lid. Let it sit for 20sec, then remove the lid and put one puff of hairspray in the jar. Quickly recover the top with the ice lid. You should see the cloud begin to form. Now remove the lid again and watch the cloud escape from the jar.

How this becomes a cloud: Some of the warm water turns into vapor, which rises to the top where it reaches the cold air. Vapor condenses when it cools, creating a cloud. However, it can only condense if it has something to condense/grab onto, in this case, it's the hairspray. In nature, it would be things such as dust, pollen, ash, pollution...

Arts & Crafts

  • Bunny Hats

  • Painting Eggs

Music & Reading (to help give the mind a study break)

  • The Country Bunny and The Little Gold Shoes book

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