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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Richmond

#4: Thursday - Easter, Season, & Weather

EASTER WEEK - Shapes and colors oh my! Before we get started, don't forget to go over your morning calendar with them. Then go ahead and pull out those empty toilet paper rolls one last time for the week.

Toddler -

Lesson: Shapes

Theme: Easter

Language / Recognizing (listening & responding)

  • Felt Shape Train - We used the felt board we already had, and just cut out some new shapes to create a train. Who knows, we may even make a felt lion wearing a conductors hat to go with it. :)

Arts & Crafts

  • Shape Painting rolls - Alright, yet again, we are using those empty toilet paper rolls. This was super easy and super fun!

Music & Reading (to help give the mind a study break)

  • An Easter Prayer book

PreK -

Lesson: Seasons & Weather

Theme: Easter

Words of the Week = Evaporation / Precipitation

Language Arts & Writing

  • Seasons worksheet

Science/Experiments & Math

  • Make a Rain Cloud - This was quite memorizing to watch for everyone! Only consists of three things. Take a glass and fill it about three quarters of the way with water, then top with shaving cream, and squirt food coloring over top in different areas. Then just watch as it makes it ways through the "cloud". Explain to them how with real clouds, as water evaporates, at a certain point the cloud becomes full. Once that happens, it releases the water, creating rain.

Arts & Crafts

  • Shape Painting rolls

Music & Reading (to help give the mind a study break)

  • The Runaway Bunny book

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