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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Richmond

Week #4: Tuesday - Easter, Season, & Weather

EASTER WEEK - Well, we all have our off days, right? Today was most certainly Caedyn's off day. At least with the flash cards. Typically he gets very excited about them. But today, he didn't perk up till we used Play-Dough instead.

Onto the experiments...Today, we are creating a Water Cycle bag. This is something we will be able to watch each day over the course of the week.

Toddler -

Lesson: Shapes

Theme: Easter

Language / Recognizing (listening & responding)

  • Shapes flash cards - You can always make your own should you not have any.

Gross Motor (coordination, big movements)

  • Shape Sorting - I took an empty cardboard box, cut off one side, and drew out shapes. We sorted both felt shapes and toys we could find.

Fine Motor (small movements typically w/hands)

  • Play-Dough Shapes - This really got Caedyn's attention! Then he loved taking the shapes and sticking them to the wall. :)

Arts & Crafts

  • Easter Fingers Painting

Music & Reading (to help give the mind a study break)

  • I am a Bunny book

PreK -

Lesson: Seasons & Weather

Theme: Easter

Words of the Week = Evaporation / Precipitation

Language Arts & Writing

  • Seasons worksheet (what happens in the Summer & what happens in the Winter worksheets)

Science/Experiments & Math

  • Weather Words - We discussed what happens outside, what the sky does, how it might feel, and formed our weather words.

  • Water Cycle Experiment (in plastic bag) - This is where we start to introduce the meaning of evaporation and precipitation. Over the course of the week, we will revisit our Water Cycle bag in the AM and PM to see how it may have changed...Evaporate into vapor, cool and change back to liquid (like a cloud), and when enough water is condensed (the cloud can't hold anymore), we see the water dispersed into precipitation again.

Arts & Crafts

  • Easter Fingers Painting

Music & Reading (to help give the mind a study break)

  • I am a Bunny book

Crafting Notes:

Water Cycle Bag - To make this, take 1/4 cup water, mix in a small amount of blue food coloring, and poor into a sandwich sized zip-lock bag. Then take it onto a window.

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